CV Toolbox

Photo of Rick Barrett

Instructor Rick Barrett

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  • Duration: 03:22
  • Views: 531299
  • Made with Release: 21
  • Works with Release: 21 and greater

Unified installer for Cineversity and third-party plugins, scripts and presets

CV Toolbox is a unified installer for Cineversity and third-party plugins, scripts and presets. Simply install this one plugin, and use CV-Toolbox to install and update all other resources available from Cineversity and select third parties. You'll be automatically notified of new or updated resources, and can install them with just a few clicks.

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- The Cineversity Toolbox is a large and growing collection of plugins, scripts, and presets to optimize your Cinema 4D workflow. ArtSmart, PlaneSmart, and SwIm offer an unprecedented integration with Adobe workflows, allowing direct import of Illustrator, Photoshop and Swatch Exchange Files. Selection Manager, Boole Tools, and Natural Selection aids your modeling workflow, while the GRIP Scripts assist with your camera and light layout tasks. A variety of additional resources help with specific tasks. Now adding the power of all of these plugins, scripts, and presets to Cinema 4D is easier than ever before. The CV Toolbox installer provides a single unified interface to install and update all the resources available from Cineversity, as well as select third-party resources. The CV Toolbox itself is the only Cineversity plugin you'll need to install manually. Simply download it from the files link on the left, and extract it. CV Toolbox should be installed within your preferences folder. It won't update properly if you place it in the application plugins path. Open your preferences folder using the button within the Cinema 4D preferences. Navigate to the plugin sub-folder and copy the extracted CV Toolbox files into this folder. CV Toolbox will appear automatically once you restart Cinema 4D. Upon opening the CV Toolbox, you'll be prompted for your Cineversity login information. This is used to validate your account and determine your eligibility for resources. A free Cineversity account is required to use the toolbox, while certain resources are available only to Cineversity premium members. An icon within the plugin listing provides an indication of the availability of each resource, with details in the description. You can quickly hide plugins that aren't available under your Cineversity membership level, by clicking the box in the upper right. Available resources are displayed in a sortable list. Clicking each resource displays a brief description below the list. While clicking the link arrow within the list itself opens a web link to the Cineversity video, or a third party page, describing the resource in more detail. Typing within the field above the list will filter based on the name, author, publisher or description, so you can quickly find what you need. Some resources may indicate they were manually installed. These are plugins that were already detected in your Cinema 4D installation. In order for CV Toolbox to update these plugins, you'll need to remove them and reinstall them via the CV Toolbox. Simply check the box next to each resource you'd like to install, or click the column header above the check boxes to select all. Click Install, and your selected plugins, scripts and presets will be automatically downloaded and installed. Once installation is complete, you'll see a screen indicating which resources were installed successfully, and listing any errors that may have occurred. Just restart Cinema 4D to complete the installation process. CV Toolbox helps keep you informed about Cinema 4D resources as well. The CV Toolbox dialog will automatically appear after you start Cinema 4D whenever a new resource is made available through the toolbox or an existing resource is updated. Simply install these resources as before, and continue to take advantage of all the powerful tools available through Cineversity.
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