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Character Rigging

Rigging is the process of taking your finished models and preparing them for animation. The playlists featured on this page will show you the CINEMA 4D tools and skills you need to make your characters animation-ready.


If you’re brand new to character rigging and you want to dive in, start here.

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    Toon Rig Series

    Watch Sebastian Pfiefer as he shows you all about the new Toon Rig Preset in Cinema 4D R23.

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    Injecting Character into Objects in Cinema 4D

    Learn how to inject energy and character into objects using Deformers in Cinema 4D!

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    The Character Object

    The Character Object is Cinema 4D’s built-in auto-rigging system. Bret Bays walks you through the process of rigging your first character.

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    Ninja Character Rig

    Professional Technical Director Bret Bays shows you how to rig letters for cartoony animation using simple deformers and a bit of XPresso.


Learn character rigging by creating a project start to finish.

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    Face Rig Tutorial

    In this series, Can Erduman shows how to create a Face Rig using the new features of Cinema 4D R23 for his short I’Artista.

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    Biped Rigging

    This series covers the creation of a biped character rig from from scratch. You’ll also pick up some useful tips and tricks to make a stable easy-to-control Bipedal rig. Essential for anyone looking at getting beyond simple joint creation, This tutorial looks at how to create a Broken Hierarchy rig including setting up priorities and controls.

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    Setting Up Hand Controls with Pose Morph

    Recorded after the Biped Rigging series, this series introduces a much more efficient method to create and manage hand controls.

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    Creating a Custom Template

    The series covers the process of converting a custom rig into an easily re-usable rig for biped characters of all shapes and sizes.

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    Want to take an in-depth look at Cinema 4D’s character rigging tools? Look no further.

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      Weight Painting

      Precisely assigning the influence each joint has on each point of your character is essential to good-looking animation. In this series Bret Bays walks you through the weight painting tools found inside CINEMA 4D.

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      The PoseMorph Tag

      The posemorph tag is an incredibly powerful system for creating transitions, or morphs, between various sets of stored information - which is great for everything from facial animation to simplifying object interaction. This series covers the parameters and functions of the PoseMorph Tag.

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      Rigging a Surgical Robot

      In this series we will go through the steps of rigging a precise surgical machine and showing how to animate it. It will cover different tools like Xpresso, IK chains, and Posemorphs with the interaction tag to complete the ri


Here you’ll find any useful plugins, scripts, and presets we’ve developed for character rigging.

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    CV Selection Manager

    The CV Selection Manager is a dockable window that displays a list of the selection sets attached to an object. From this list you can rename the selection set, these changes will also be reflected in an texture tags that are being restricted by the selection set. If selection sets are something that you use a lot, then you need this plugin.


Inspiring high-level discussions of character rigging from some of the best Cinema 4D artists on the planet.

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    Character Rigging Techniques - Siggraph 2015 Rewind

    Learn how to build a character animation pipeline around Cinema 4D, leveraging the power of the Character object and Python API. In these live presentations from Siggraph 2015, Bret Bays demonstrates how he’s tackled the character technical direction (TD) work for The Ottoman Project, and also explains his process for defining joint weights.