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Virtual Reality

Learn how to use Cinema 4D to render Virtual Reality video content or export to a game engine to create interactive VR experiences.

Experience Virtual Reality

Check out some samples before you start your journey.

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    Cineversity YouTube VR Video Examples

    View Cineversity’s YouTube VR Video Examples

Virtual Reality Video

Pre-rendered Virtual Reality video can be created in a familiar rendering and compositing workflow. These videos can be distributed via YouTube VR or Facebook and viewed with a smartphone and inexpensive Google Cardboard headset.

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    Render Virtual Reality Videos with Cinema 4D

    In this tutorial series, you’ll learn how to create VR content for YouTube or Facebook in MAXON’s Cinema 4D, using a Cineversity-exclusive plugin with the Advanced or Physical Render or rendering directly using Octane for Cinema 4D. You’ll learn a bit of VR theory and important design considerations when creating pre-rendered VR content.

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    Render a Kitchen Concept in Virtual Reality

    In this tutorial series, you’ll explore the process of using Mettle’s Skybox Studio and Cineware in After Effects to render a 360 degree VR video of a kitchen. You’ll composite Sketch & Toon non-photorealistic line drawing with a final GI render created using CV-VRCam.

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    Siggraph 2016 Rewind - EJ Hassenfratz: 2D Character Animation

    At the end of his Siggraph 2016 presentation, EJ Hassenfratz shows how he used CV-VRCam to create a VR video of a camping scene.

Interactive VR

To create interactive VR, you’ll export models (with textures and animation) to a game engine. You’ll use many of the same techniques as in Game Development, with some special considerations and techniques specific to virtual reality.

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    Virtual Reality with Cinema 4D and Oculus Rift

    Quickly go through the process of exporting Cinema 4D project files to the Oculus Rift by way of the Unity Game Engine.

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    NAB 2016 Rewind - Joshua Michie: Designing for VR with Cinema 4D

    Joshua Michie explains many of the limitations and challenges of VR development, and the plugins and workflow he used to develop an experience for the Gear VR

More Resources

Here’s some additional resources and tutorials to help in your VR journey.

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    Story2Pixel Tutorials

    Perry Patterson (@no1ukn0) has created some great tutorials explaining various aspects of the VR workflow with Cinema 4D. Also make sure to check out his DMALA presentation slides.

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    Mettle SkyBox Studio Tutorials

    Mettle’s Skybox Studio plugin for Adobe After Effects is a perfect complement to Cinema 4D and is extremely helpful in the compositing stage of VR Video projects.