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This section of Cineversity.com is dedicated to getting you up to speed in using Cinema 4D for specific industries.

Getting Started

Are you brand new to 3D or Cinema 4D? Just upgraded to the latest version? These subject guides are a great place to start.

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    Cinema 4D Basics

    Learn the interface and essential tools and techniques. Follow this guide before moving on to any other subjects.

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    New Features in R20

    Get up to speed with the improvements in the latest release.

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    After Effects Integration & C4D Lite

    Learn how to use Cinema 4D in conjunction with Adobe After Effects, and how to get the most out of the integrated C4D Lite edition,

By Industry

Each of these articles will give you an overview of important techniques, projects, tools, and third party resources for a given industry.

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    Motion Graphics

    You’ll find motion graphics almost everywhere these days, from commercials, to film titles, to educational videos. Follow this learning guide on how to communicate ideas through motion design.

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    Visual Effects

    Visual effects (VFX) are everywhere, from the biggest summer blockbusters, to quiet indie features, to commercials intended for the web. They allow filmmakers to create believable other-worldly creatures, or to create effects so subtle, we never register that we’re being deceived.

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    Product and Packaging Design

    Transform concepts into photorealistic product photos. Take virtual photos of existing products. Take packaging designs from Illustrator to Cinema 4D to Photoshop.

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    Game Development

    Want to create a video game using Cinema 4D and a video game engine like Unity? On this page you’ll find a collection of Cineversity and 3rd party tutorials and resources that will take your 3D skills and help you apply them in interactive projects.

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    Virtual Reality

    Learn how to use Cinema 4D to render Virtual Reality video content or export to a game engine to create interactive VR experiences.

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    3D Printing

    With affordable desktop 3D printers you can transform Cinema 4D models into real, physical objects that are as useful as they are artistic. Gain practical expertise and learn key Cinema 4D techniques for 3D printing success.


There are many Cinema 4D skills that are useful across industries.

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    UV Mapping

    Prepare your 3D models for texture painting and light baking with UV Unwrapping/Mapping.

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    Character Rigging

    Rigging is the process of taking your finished models and preparing them for animation. Learn the tools and skills you need to make your characters animation-ready.

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    Automate complex tasks, and create custom tools with Cinema 4D’s script editor and plugin programming API.