Party Bot, Part 01: Introduction and Overview

Photo of Donovan Keith

Instructor Donovan Keith

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  • Duration: 00:54
  • Views: 9598
  • Made with Release: 18
  • Works with Release: 15 and greater

An introduction to the party bot project.

An introduction to the Party Bot project. In this tutorial series, we'll show you how to create a cartoon robot character made out of simple shapes.



Hi, I'm Donovan Keith. In this tutorial series, I'm going to show you how to create a cartoon robot character made out of simple shapes. This is a beginner-level tutorial, and it assumes no prior knowledge with CINEMA 4D. In fact, an earlier version of the series has been successfully used in classrooms around the world, as a quick way to get students comfortable with the fundamentals of 3D modeling, texturing, lighting, and rendering. We're going to start out by modeling our robot with primitive shapes like cubes and cylinders. Then we'll take our character and rig it for animation by moving axes and creating a hierarchy of joints. We're going to apply materials to our robot to make it shiny and light our scene using a photograph. The skills you learn in this series can be used to create any number of fun characters like this, but it can also be used in every 3D project you create from this point forward. Are you ready? Let's do this.
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