Max On Color | Halloween Special

Photo of Maxon Training Team

Instructor Maxon Training Team

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  • Duration: 55:05
  • Views: 2031
  • Made with Release: 9
  • Works with Release: 9 and greater

In this Halloween special episode, the wicked duo, Malicious Max and Dastardly Diego will brew a cauldron of magic potions to summon the dark forces for your color conjuring needs.

Join us in this fun one-hour special treat to explore the many tricks to craft the horror looks for grading your Halloween video contents.

Also joining us in this episode our special guest Mariam M. Draeger (Instagram: @lady_mariam_michael) a cross-media horror producer will share her experience and thoughts about the horror genre. Working within the international creative industry as a cross-media horror producer, Mariam has become a spokesperson for the genre.

As a presenter, she has been a voice on popular programs for BBC Radio and numerous podcasts and works as an interviewer and panel host, speaking at various conferences and festivals, including Grimmfest, one of the largest horror film festivals in the UK. Through this, she has interviewed horror greats, such as the Soska sisters, Barbara Crampton, Bruce Campbell, David Bruckner and Greg Nicotero.

Additionally, she is the ambassador of the department of funding and financing within the EU co-funded project Creative Shift. More recently, she has co-founded and become a co-CEO for the video game studio Spoondrift Games, tackling the genre with multi-platform games, VR experiences and horror audience targeted viral marketing.
