Siggraph 2014 Rewind - M dot Strange, Day 02: How C4D can Help Non-programmers Create 3D Video Games

Photo of Cineversity

Instructor Cineversity

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  • Duration: 51:26
  • Views: 6093
  • Made with Release: 15
  • Works with Release: 15 and greater

M dot Strange demonstrates his process for creating games with Cinema 4D and Unity

M dot Strange demonstrates his process for creating games with Cinema 4D and Unity. M dot Strange utilizes the PlayMaker plugin for Unity (Hutong Games) to add game logic visually without the need to write any code.

05:49Creating Environment
10:12C4D to Unity
15:21Adding Characters
20:44Barrel Logic
31:49Torch & Lighting
33:19Importing Animations
43:28Distance State

Recorded Live at Siggraph 2014 in Vancouver, BC Canada
