Demystifying Post Production: Plan! Shoot! Edit! Grade! VFX! (1/5)

Photo of Maxon Training Team

Instructor Maxon Training Team

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  • Duration: 64:55
  • Views: 1202
  • Made with Release: 9
  • Works with Release: 9 and greater

Join the Maxon Training Team as we break down an entire production, covering planning, camera prep, shooting, grading, and workflows for adding VFX. We’ll be featuring short films by director Anthony Bari Jr, discussing the camera shoot, jumping into both technical and non-technical aspects, and sharing creative choices all through the projects.

We’ll be showing workflows and techniques for Adobe Premiere Pro, Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve, After Effects, Red Giant and Cinema 4D, whilst also sharing some of the challenges the crew had on set, and the creative solutions to overcome them.

Week 1: Plan
We will start from concept creation through gear preparation, shooting tests and the logistics that can cause a pivot from the original vision, and the importance of maintaining calm, clear thoughts while switching gears to keep others engaged in your vision. Joining us is producer Sammy Muñoz, as we discuss what makes up the elements of a successful shoot, including mapping out the production when plans change.

Project File: Plan! Shoot! Edit! Grade! VFX!
